Debunked! 5 Common Myths About Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarms! (Part 1 of 2)

Interconnected smoke alarms are essential for home safety, but how much of what you know about them is actually true? In this first knowledge series article, we’re separating fact from fiction as we debunk the top myths surrounding photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms. From misconceptions about placement to myths about maintenance, we’ll separate fact from fiction to help you protect your home and loved ones more effectively. Get ready to discover the surprising truth behind interconnected smoke alarms – are you as excited as we are!?

Myth 1: Interconnected Smoke Alarms Need The Internet

ZEN interconnected smoke alarms do not require internet, they are not a wifi fire detector nor are they bluetooth smoke detectors. Our interconnected smoke alarms connection and pairing process is achieved using wireless radio frequency (RF) transmissions and a tiny yet effective RF transmitter inbuilt into each fire alarm. No internet? No worries. It’s not required for your interconnected smoke alarms as they are not a wifi smoke alarm.

Myth 2: Interconnected Smoke Alarms Are

Unsuitable For Large Multi-Story Dwellings

ZEN interconnected smoke alarms can be separated by a distance of 25-30m between each fire alarm, and still function within a large 100m free field range without being compromised. ZEN interconnected smoke alarms can be installed upstairs / downstairs / in-between solid concrete walls and floors – that is what they are designed to do! Photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms are actually very suitable for large multi-story dwellings.

Myth 3: Interconnected Smoke Alarms Should Be

Replaced 10-Years from Manufacture Date

All interconnected smoke alarms have a finite lifespan. Irrespective of what brand you own, after 10 years, the sensors and battery can wear down, becoming less reliable. Check the manufacture date printed on the rear of your interconnected smoke detectors and replace them when they reach that 10-year mark.

Myth 4: Interconnected Smoke Alarms Will Trigger

The Alarms In My Neighbour’s Property, And Vice Versa?

Could you imagine the drama occurring all around Australia if interconnected smoke alarms were activating the alarms in neighbouring properties!? This is not possible. Even though most fire alarms communicate on the same radio frequency (433.92 MHz) they are uniquely ‘coded’ to each other via a master fire alarm within each network, and it is this unique code which prevents interconnected smoke alarms in one property from accidentally activating smoke alarms in any adjoining property

Myth 5: Interconnected Smoke Alarms Are Too Expensive

All new technologies become cheaper over time and photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms are no exception. ZEN interconnected smoke alarms are high quality and very affordable, especially considering the life saving benefits they deliver. ZEN interconnected smoke alarm bundle packs offer great savings via free delivery, a free smoke alarm remote control and a free fire blanket too! The 10-year sealed lithium battery also eliminates the annual cost of smoke alarm battery replacement.

We hope you have enjoyed this first article in our knowledge series. By debunking common smoke detector myths we’re allowing you to make an informed purchasing decision and to help others keep the interconnected smoke alarms in a-grade shape!

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN Smoke Alarm YouTube channel or call us on 0478 596 402 today

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005