Fire prevention and preparedness are paramount in your home. In addition to the early fire warning provided by your ZEN smoke alarms, there is another hero in the toolkit of safety measures: the humble ZEN fire blanket. This unassuming yet highly effective tool can make a significant difference in protecting both your home and loved ones in the event of a fire emergency.

ZEN Fire Blanket – Immediate Action, Minimal Effort!

Imagine a small kitchen fire erupts from a stovetop mishap – a greasy frypan suddenly ignites, sending panic through the air. This is when the ZEN fire fire blanket shines. Unlike a fire extinguisher that requires knowledge of operation and can potentially spread the fire if not used correctly, a fire blanket simply requires you to grab it and place it gently over the flames. The fire is quickly smothered as the blanket starves it of oxygen, effectively extinguishing it with minimal effort, and preventing it from spreading.

Fire Blankets Are Simple And Easy To Use

One of the greatest advantages of the ZEN fire blanket is its simplicity. Designed to be user-friendly even in stressful situations, it doesn’t involve any complex mechanisms or technical knowledge. Simply pull down on the quick-release tabs and the ZEN fire blanket slides out from its protective pouch and is ready to use. This makes it ideal for everyone in the household, including children and elderly family members who may find fire extinguishers intimidating or difficult to operate.

Versatility In Application

While commonly associated with kitchen fires, fire blankets are versatile and can be used in other various scenarios. They are effective not only on stovetop fires but also on BBQ fires or fires caused by accidents around the home. Having a fire blanket means you’re prepared for these unpredictable moments, giving you confidence in your ability to respond to emergencies. In addition to the kitchen, you may also consider installing a fire blanket in the following locations; outdoor BBQ area, caravan, garage, car, workshop, boat, home office, backyard shed, carport or granny flat.

Receive Your FREE ZEN Fire Blanket Today!

For a limited time, every ZEN photoelectric smoke alarm bundle pack (5-pack, 7-pack, 10-pack) will automatically receive a free ZEN fire blanket (in addition to the bonus smoke alarm remote control). The ZEN fire blanket perfectly complements the ZEN interconnected smoke alarm range – level up your home protection today!

Peace Of Mind

A ZEN fire blanket provides peace of mind, additional to your ZEN smoke alarms. It’s a proactive step towards ensuring the safety of your household, and empowers you to take action in the face of a fire emergency. Knowing you have a fire blanket readily accessible helps alleviate anxiety and instills a sense of confidence that you’re prepared for the unexpected.

Fire Blanket Conclusion

Whilst we all hope to never face a fire emergency, preparedness is key to safeguarding our homes and loved ones. A ZEN fire blanket stands as a reliable ally in this mission, offering simplicity, effectiveness, and peace of mind—all packed into a compact, easily accessible tool. Consider adding a ZEN fire blanket to your ZEN interconnected smoke alarm arsenal; it’s a small investment that can yield valuable protection when every second counts.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms! (and fire blankets)

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

As winter settles in across Australia, the chill in the air sends us reaching for heaters, fireplaces, electric blankets, and other devices to keep warm. Even in Queensland, known for its humid climate, winter nights can get surprisingly cold, and some areas even see snowfall. While these heating methods provide much-needed comfort, they also come with an increased risk of household fires. Fire services nationwide report a significant spike in fire-related incidents during the colder months – in fact winter is the peak season for house fire call-outs. This heightened risk means it is vital that your home is not only equipped with interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms, but proper winter fire safety precautions are followed. This article is a 2 minute read and will guide you through essential fire safety tips to keep you and your family safe this winter.

Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Why Interconnected Smoke Alarms Matter In Winter

Interconnected smoke alarms are your first line of defense against house fires. When every second counts, a working smoke alarm can provide the early warning needed to escape safely. Winter is the peak season for house fires in Australia, and according to Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), having functional interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms can double your chances of surviving a house fire.

Where To Install Interconnected Smoke Alarms

For optimal protection, install smoke alarms inside every bedroom, in the hallways outside sleeping areas, and on every level of your home. These alarms should be interconnected, so if one alarm sounds, they all do. While ZEN smoke alarms can be mounted on both walls and ceilings, ceiling installation is preferred since smoke rises. If you must install them on a wall, position them high but at least 30 cm away from corners to avoid dead air spaces. Steer clear of placing them near open windows, doors, or air vents where drafts could disrupt their function.

Wireless Interconnected Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Placement Recommendations

Clean And Test Your Interconnected Smoke Alarms

At The Start Of Winter

To ensure your smoke alarms are ready when you need them most, give them a thorough clean at the start of winter. Dust, cobwebs, and other particles can accumulate over time, reducing their effectiveness. Gently vacuum the exterior of each alarm with a soft brush attachment.

Test your smoke alarms monthly to ensure they are functioning correctly and interconnected. All alarms should activate their audible and visual indicators within 10 seconds of the first one being tested. With ZEN smoke alarms, you can press the center surface of any alarm or use the optional remote control to conduct this test. The test mode will automatically silence after about 10 seconds.

Winter Heating Equipment: Safety First

Space Heaters

One of the main culprits behind winter house fires is the misuse of heating equipment. When using space heaters, keep them at least one meter away from flammable materials like curtains, bedding, and furniture. Never place clothing on or near the heater, ensure it’s on a stable surface, and never leave it unattended, especially while you’re sleeping.

Fireplaces In Winter

Before lighting up your fireplace for the winter season, have it inspected and then cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of creosote, a highly flammable byproduct of burning wood. Always use a fire screen to catch sparks and embers, and make sure the fire is completely extinguished before going to bed or leaving the house.

Electric Blankets

Check your electric blankets and heating pads for frayed cords or other damage before use. Never fold them or leave them on for extended periods. To test an electric blanket, lay it flat on the bed and switch it on for five minutes to ensure it’s working properly before using it.

Winter Wheat Bags

Wheat bags are great for soothing aches and pains, but they’re not designed to replace hot water bottles in the bed. Be careful not to overheat them in the microwave, as repeated use can reduce their moisture content, increasing the risk of overheating and fires. Always let them cool on a non-combustible surface, like a kitchen sink, and never reheat until they’re completely cooled. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding their lifespan.

Safe Use of Electrical Appliances

Winter often means increased use of electrical appliances, which can overload circuits and cause fires. Avoid using multiple high-wattage devices on the same outlet and don’t use extension cords for long-term connections. Regularly check all cords for wear and tear and replace any that are damaged. Opt for power boards with built-in overload protection.

Kitchen Safety In Winter

Winter calls for hearty meals and more cooking, but ensure your kitchen remains a fire-free zone. Never leave cooking unattended and keep flammable items like tea towels away from the stove-top. It’s wise to have a ZEN fire blanket easily accessible in the kitchen, and know how to use it properly.

Practice The Home Fire Escape Plan At The Start Of Winter

An interconnected smoke alarm is most effective when combined with a well-rehearsed home fire escape plan. Make sure everyone in your household knows the sound of the smoke alarm and understands what to do when it activates. Plan two ways out of every room and allocate a meeting place outside your home. Practice your fire escape plan twice a year, including at the start of winter, to ensure everyone is prepared.

Conclusion – Interconnected Smoke Alarms In Winter

Winter is a wonderful time to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your home, but it’s also a time to be extra vigilant about fire safety. By installing and maintaining interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms, using heating equipment and electrical appliances sensibly, and having a solid fire escape plan, you can keep your loved ones safe. Stay warm, stay safe, and make sure your interconnected smoke alarms are ready to protect you from winter’s hidden dangers!

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Ever wondered how to physically attach our ZEN smoke alarms onto your ceiling? You’ll be amazed at how simple it really is! A major advantage of wireless 10-year battery powered smoke alarms is that there is no electrical hardwiring involved – this means they can be installed by property owners without an electrician. ZEN smoke alarm bundle packs will even arrive to you already interconnected together as a group – no need to pair them up as we’ve done it for you – just switch them on and they’re good to go – how easy is that!


  • ZEN smoke alarm and its mounting bracket
  • Screws and anchor plugs (included with our ZEN smoke alarms)
  • Screwdriver or a cordless drill with 5mm drill bit
  • Pencil

STEP 1: Twist the mounting bracket to remove it from the back of the smoke detector.

STEP 2: Locate the mounting bracket in your chosen position on the ceiling. Use a pencil to mark the location of the two mounting bracket slots on the ceiling as per above.

STEP 3: Use a 5mm drill bit to drill a pilot hole at each location marked on the ceiling. Now insert an anchor plug into each hole and use the two screws to attach the mounting bracket to the chosen position.

STEP 4: Attach the smoke alarm to the mounting bracket and firmly turn clockwise to lock it into place.

STEP 5: Press the surface of the ZEN smoke alarm (the test button) to ensure you smoke alarm is working properly. If you have more than one interconnected smoke detector, then the others in the same group should also activate within approximately 10 (this is normal). Allow all the smoke alarms to finish their full test cycle without pressing any other buttons – don’t worry, they will all stop automatically after approximately 10-15 seconds.

Where Should I Install

Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarms?

Queensland smoke detectors should be placed inside every bedroom and the interconnecting hallway outside the bedrooms. If there is no common hallway outside the bedrooms, then install a smoke detector on the nearest exit route or travel path from the dwelling. If it is a multi-story property, then at least one smoke alarm must be installed on every level of the property.

Additionally, smoke detectors should not be installed within 30cm from the edge of a wall, within 30cm from a light fixture, 40cm from an air conditioner vent and also not within 40cm from a ceiling fan blade. It is preferable to install smoke detectors on the ceiling, as opposed to the wall.

Don’t forget, if replacing a 240V hardwired smoke alarm in QLD, the Queensland smoke alarm laws state that it must be replaced with another 240V hardwired smoke alarm (requires an electrician to do so).

WARNING! – do not use these products

when installing your smoke alarms!

Be wary using adhesive mounting kits or drill-free magnet mounting kits with your smoke alarms – we do not recommend using these products as they do NOT last. Although Australian Standard 3786:2014 doesn’t specify how smoke alarms should be attached to the ceiling, if you use the aforementioned products your smoke alarm will fall from the ceiling after a period of days, weeks or months, and it will become broken when it smashes onto the floor. How do we know this? – we stopped selling the adhesive kits / drill-free magnetic mounts several years ago. Consumer feedback indicated the products were unreliable and in good conscience we could not continue selling them – we’d rather have happy satisfied customers at the expense of profits any day. Spend a few extra minutes and use the included screws to affix your smoke alarm to the ceiling – this is the best way to install your wireless smoke alarms.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarm regulations vary slightly across different states and territories in Australia, contributing to widespread confusion, particularly in Queensland, where a graduated implementation of new smoke alarm legislation is underway. Much misinformation exists regarding the installation of 10-year battery powered smoke alarms vs 240V hardwired smoke alarms – this article will explain when each type is permissible in QLD.

All information contained in this article is sourced directly from the QLD Government. We encourage you to view and read the legislation for yourself too – direct links to all official government sources are included at the bottom of this article for your reference.

Can I Install 10-year Battery Powered Smoke Alarms In QLD?

YES! you can. It is legal and perfectly acceptable to install 10-year battery powered smoke alarms in your Queensland home, provided you are not performing any of the 3 activities below;

  1. Constructing a new home
  2. Performing a substantial renovation
  3. Replacing an existing 240V hardwired smoke alarm

Queensland’s Building Fire Safety (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2016 prescribes the legal ways of powering smoke alarms for domestic dwellings. It states that both 240V hardwired smoke alarms AND 10-year battery powered smoke alarms are allowed. See the excerpt below;

The Queensland Fire Department website states that 10-year battery powered smoke alarms are acceptable, provided the three scenarios previously mentioned above are not being performed.

Advantages Of 10-Year Battery Powered Smoke Alarms

  • Wireless smoke alarms powered by a 10-year non-removeable battery can be easily DIY installed and don’t require the added expense of an electrician.
  • As the battery is sealed inside the smoke alarm (non-removeable) it lasts for the entire 10-year lifespan of the alarm and never needs to be replaced – forget about that annoying low battery chirp every year. After 10 years the whole alarm is simply swapped out for a new one.
  • Added versatility through wireless RF interconnection. In some situations it is physically impossible to install 240V hardwired alarms – i.e. where there are solid concrete ceilings or no roof cavity.

Do QLD Smoke Alarms Need To Be Hardwired By 2027?

The short answer to this question is NO, they don’t. Although there are a lot of houses built in Queensland that require hardwired smoke alarms, there are just as many that have the option to use wireless 10-year battery powered smoke alarms and still be 100% compliant.

When Must I Install a 240V Hardwired Smoke Alarm In QLD?

There are 3 situations in Queensland where it is a statutory requirement for 240V hardwired smoke alarms to be installed in a domestic dwelling (and 10-year battery powered smoke alarms may not be used). Outside of these 3 scenarios it is acceptable to install 10-year battery powered smoke alarms in your home.

1) If You Are Constructing A New Home

If you are constructing a new home in QLD then hardwired smoke alarms are required as part of the building approval process. Queensland’s Building Regulation 2021 states that when constructing a new home, the smoke alarms must be hardwired to the domestic dwelling’s electricity supply.

2) If You Are Performing A Substantial Renovation

Queensland’s Fire Services Act 1990 states that hardwired smoke alarms must be installed when a substantial renovation is being performed to a domestic dwelling.

3) If You Are Replacing An Existing Hardwired Smoke Alarm

The Queensland Fire Services Act 1990 also states that if a pre-existing smoke alarm being replaced was hardwired to the domestic dwelling’s electricity supply, then the replacement smoke alarm must be hardwired to the dwelling’s electricity supply.

Outside of the 3 scenarios described above, it is legal and perfectly acceptable in QLD to install wireless interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms which are

powered by a non-removeable 10-year battery.

Want to do some further reading? Links to all official sources in this article are provided below.

Building Fire Safety (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2016

States that both 240V hardwired smoke alarms and 10-year battery powered smoke alarms are allowed in domestic QLD dwellings.

Building Regulation 2021

States that when constructing a new home in QLD, the smoke alarms must be hardwired to the domestic dwelling’s electricity supply.

Fire Services Act 1990

States hardwired smoke alarms must be installed when performing a substantial renovation or replacing an existing hardwired smoke alarm.

QLD Fire Department website – 2027 Smoke Alarm Legislation Fact Sheet

States that smoke alarms must be either hardwired or powered by a non-removable 10 year battery, or a combination of both may be allowed.

States that existing hardwired smoke alarms that need replacement must be replaced with a hardwired smoke alarm.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Interconnected Photoelectric Smoke Alarms are one of the most important safety features in any home. They can save lives by detecting smoke early, giving residents time to evacuate before a fire becomes uncontrollable. However, simply installing smoke alarms is not enough – many people fail to maintain their smoke alarms properly, and as a result, they may not function in a real life fire situation. Cleaning and testing your smoke alarm regularly can help ensure that it will work when you need it most, and also maximize the life expectancy of the alarm itself.

How To Clean Your Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms are designed to detect smoke particles in the air. Over time, dust and other debris can accumulate on the sensors, which can interfere with their ability to detect smoke. Regular cleaning helps to ensure that the sensors are functioning properly and that the smoke alarm will work when you need it.

Cleaning your ZEN smoke alarm is a relatively simple process – please watch our short video below! You can use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner attachment to remove dust and debris from the sensors by gently vacuuming over and around the external perimeter of the smoke alarm, particularly near the air intake grill. You may be surprised by the dirt, dust and cobwebs that have accumulated over time. Do not apply any liquids or aerosol chemical cleaning agents onto your smoke alarm as this could damage it. We recommend to clean your smoke alarms every 6 months.

How To Test Your Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Testing your interconnected smoke alarm is an important part of maintaining it. It is recommended to test your ZEN smoke alarms monthly. It is a good idea to let people in the vicinity know you will be testing the alarms prior to doing so. To test your ZEN smoke alarms simply press the centre surface of the alarm (the test button). Alternatively you may press the test button once on the optional remote control device. After the test button is pressed all the interconnected smoke alarms should activate with 10 seconds of the first one – this is normal. All the alarms will make a beeping noise and flash their red light. After approximately 10 seconds all the alarms will silence automatically and the test is concluded.

It’s also a good idea to test your smoke alarm after any significant home renovations or changes, such as painting or installing new carpet. These changes can generate dust and debris that can interfere with the smoke alarm’s sensors. Pro tip – never paint over your smoke alarm if painting the ceiling.

Why Testing Your Interconnected Smoke Alarm Is Important

Testing your smoke alarm regularly is essential for ensuring that it’s working correctly. A smoke alarm that doesn’t work properly won’t be able to alert you to a fire in your home. In a worst-case scenario, this can have tragic consequences including loss of life and/or property.

Smoke alarms are especially critical during the night when you’re asleep. Many fires occur during the night, and if you’re not alerted to a fire early enough, you may not be able to evacuate in time. A properly functioning smoke alarm can give you the time you need to get out of your home safely.

Cleaning and testing your smoke alarm is a simple but essential task that can save lives. Regular basic maintenance of your interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms will ensure they remain working as intended, and will last their full 10-year lifespan without any complications. With a properly functioning smoke alarm that is regularly tested and maintained, you can sleep soundly knowing that you and your family are protected from the dangers of fire. Be sure to take good care of your smoke alarms – and they will take good care of you!

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

There are several points of difference between our ZEN wireless interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms and conventional smoke alarms which we think makes them pretty special.

ZEN Smoke Alarms Are Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

1) ZEN smoke alarms are the photoelectric type (not ionisation). Older conventional smoke alarms use radioactive ionisation as the process by which they detect smoke particles in the air. Ionisation smoke alarms are good at detecting smoke from flaming fires, but are less adept at detecting smoke from smouldering flames which is typical of house fires. Ionisation alarms have also been known to cause frustrating nuisance alarms, which might condition people to switch them off, putting themselves at risk. For these reasons the older style ionisation smoke alarms are being phased out both in Australia and internationally.

ZEN Smoke Alarms Are Interconnectable Smoke Alarms

2) Older smoke alarms typically operated as stand-alone units. If a smoke alarm sensed smoke on the ground floor of a building – yes it may activate, but any other smoke alarms on the upper floors would not activate until smoke had entered the same air space – by this time it could be too late to initiate an effective response (or escape).

ZEN smoke alarm bundle packs arrive to you already wirelessly interconnected together – no need to pair them up in a group as we’ve done it for you – so if one interconnected ZEN alarm detects smoke anywhere within a building, then all ZEN smoke alarms paired within the same network will simultaneously initiate their alarm. This provides increased early warning and response time for residents.

ZEN Smoke Alarms Have A 10-year Battery

3) Our smoke alarms have a sealed 10 year life lithium battery. Conventional smoke alarms are usually powered by a 9v replaceable battery. When the battery life becomes drained over time the smoke alarm begins to emit a loud intermittent ‘chirp’ noise. The chirp serves as a noisy (and annoying) reminder to replace the battery, and continues until the battery is replaced. As seen in the past, residents can remove the battery, disabling the chirping noise and the alarm itself, often with tragic consequences.

Because our smoke alarms are powered by a long life 10-year lithium  battery which is sealed inside the unit, the battery cannot be deliberately removed. At the end of the 10-year battery life span, the entire smoke alarm unit is simply replaced with a new one!

ZEN Smoke Alarms Can Be Simply DIY Installed

4) As there is no electrical wiring required, ZEN wireless smoke alarms can be easily DIY installed using the included screws and mounting bracket. A compliance certificate showing that the smoke alarms are Australian Standard 3786:2014 certified is included inside the box with every ZEN smoke alarm.

ZEN Smoke Alarms – Free Shipping And Same Day Dispatch

5) ZEN smoke alarms offer free Australia Post shipping for all orders over $100, and same day dispatch if the order is placed before 1:30pm on business days. Customers tell us they love our fast Australia wide delivery. Note we’re not an offshore drop shipper, nor do we sell out of our garage. All our Australian stock is kept locally at major warehouses located in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

ZEN Smoke Alarms Are Remote Control Compatible

6) ZEN smoke alarm bundle packs include a bonus ZEN remote control device (can also be purchased separately). Whilst the alarms will work fine without it, the ZEN remote control provides added convenience in that it allows you to periodically test the alarms, without having to reach up to the ceiling to press the alarm itself.

We think the best feature of the ZEN remote control though, is the silence button. No more worrying about disturbing the neighbours – the silence button eliminates rushing around in a mad panic when you burn the toast in the kitchen. It also allows you to quickly and easily identify the location of the source alarm.

ZEN Smoke Alarm Bundle packs Include A FREE Fire Blanket!

7) All ZEN smoke alarm bundle packs (five, seven, ten packs) also receive a FREE ZEN fire blanket! (in addition to the free bonus remote). The ZEN fire blanket provides an easy and effective way to quickly extinguish small fires, which can prevent them from spreading and causing more serious damage. Measuring 1m x 1m in size, the ZEN fire blanket perfectly complements the ZEN photoelectric smoke range and is ideal for your home kitchen, BBQ area, garage, caravan, car or boat.

ZEN Smoke Alarms Offer Amazing After-Sales Support

And Excellent Customer Service

8) Shop with absolute confidence knowing you are buying from a long established, knowledgeable, and reputable company. Upholding good business values is important to us – we don’t hide behind online ‘contact us’ forms, Facebook Messenger or automated answering machines – got a question or problem? – you can call Christian 7 days per week on 0478 596 402 – he is friendly and always loves to help!

9) We are also members of professional industry associations such as the Fire Protection Association Australia (FPAA) – this is your symbol of trust. But don’t just take our word for it, see what others are saying with over 140 Google 5-star reviews! – ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms located in New Farm, QLD.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

As the Queensland festive season approaches, warmer temperatures, holiday decorations and the joy of gatherings fill the air. However, amidst the celebrations, we must also consider Christmas fire safety to safeguard our homes and loved ones. Here are some essential tips to ensure a safe and merry Christmas in Queensland this year!

Careful Christmas Tree Positioning

Choose a fresh, green Christmas tree and keep it well-hydrated. Position it away from any potential heat sources. A dry Christmas tree can quickly become a fire hazard, so water it regularly and dispose of it promptly after the holidays.

Position your tree strategically – make sure it’s not blocking any exit routes. This ensures that, in the unfortunate event of a fire, everyone can easily evacuate the home.

Interconnected Smoke Alarms

Give the gift of safety and equip your home with ZEN interconnected smoke alarms inside every bedroom, hallway outside the bedrooms, and have at least one on every level of the dwelling. Press the test button on the alarms to check they are in good working order (i.e. so if one smoke alarm activates, then they all activate). Create a home fire escape plan and share it with your family and any guests who may be staying with you. Keep fire extinguishers handy, and make sure everyone knows their location and how to use them. Spending 10 minutes to review this information with your loved ones could avoid becoming a Christmas tragedy.

Check Christmas Lighting And Decorations

Inspect all Christmas lights before decorating your tree and home. Discard any frayed or damaged cords and replace burnt-out bulbs promptly. Choose LED lights, which emit less heat than traditional incandescent lights, reducing the risk of fire. Be wary of non-compliant cheap imports and ensure your lights have the appropriate Australian electrical safety regulatory compliance mark (RCM). Make it a habit to turn off all Christmas lights and decorations before going to bed or leaving the house. This simple step not only conserves energy but also reduces the risk of electrical malfunctions that could lead to a fire.

Ensure Christmas lighting decorations have the Australian regulatory compliance mark (RCM)

Power Board Common Sense

Avoid overloading electrical wall outlets and power boards. Spread out the use of multiple appliances and decorations across different outlets to prevent overloading and subsequent overheating. Choose a power board which has in-built overload protection.

Candle Care

Candles add a traditional warm glow to the festive atmosphere, but they can also pose a fire risk. Keep candles away from flammable materials such as window curtains, place them in stable holders, and never leave them unattended. Consider using realistic looking flameless LED candles as a safer modern alternative.

Cooking Attentiveness

The holiday season often involves elaborate meals and festive cooking. Stay vigilant in the kitchen, and never leave cooking unattended. Keep flammable items, such as kitchen tea towels and oven mitts, away from open flames and other heat sources. Keep a fire blanket nearby to help extinguish any cooking flames.

Christmas Conclusion!

By following these Christmas fire safety tips and ensuring you have ZEN interconnected smoke alarms installed in your home, you can create a secure environment for your loved ones to enjoy the Queensland holiday season without worry. Putting fire safety at the top of your Christmas list will ensure the only thing sparking during your celebrations is the joy of the season.

Merry Christmas Queensland! Thank you again for all your fantastic support throughout the year, and we look forward to more incredibly busy and exciting times ahead!

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

This is a common question, and the answer depends on what type of smoke alarms you have installed in your property.

1. 240V Hardwired Alarms Installed In Your Property

The QLD Fire Department state that 240V hardwired smoke alarms require a Certificate of Testing and Compliance when selling your property. The certificate is provided by a licensed electrician and must certify that the 240V hardwired alarms are electrically safe.

QFES Website Information

2. Wireless 10-year Battery Powered Alarms

There is no QLD law that says a smoke alarm compliance certificate must be produced by the seller.

What legislation does stipulate is that the seller must install compliant photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms in all prescribed locations as required by law.

When this is done, the seller must disclose in writing to the buyer that compliant smoke alarms have been installed. This is achieved by completing two legal documents.

– the ‘Form 24’ (QLD Transfer of Title Form)

– the Contract of Sale

The ‘Form 24’ (QLD Transfer of Title Form) – Section 5 (g)

Form 24

The Contract Of Sale

Contract of Sale

The Real Estate Institute of QLD (REIQ) is Queensland’s peak professional body for the real estate industry. Their fact sheet below states that the seller is not required to provide a compliance certificate. However, the buyer is entitled to arrange for an inspection of the smoke alarms (at their own cost).

Should the smoke alarms be deemed non-compliant, the buyer is entitled to an adjustment of 0.15% of the purchase price in their favour (if requested).

REIQ Contract of Sale FAQs

For this reason, people who don’t feel confident installing wireless 10-year battery powered smoke alarms may choose to pay a third party service provider to install the smoke alarms, with a ‘compliance certificate’ provided. Or they may arrange for an inspection of their own DIY work, again with a ‘compliance certificate’ provided (noting this is not a legal requirement). 

240V hardwired smoke alarms must always be installed by a licensed electrician.

Want to do some further reading? Links to all official sources in this article are provided below:

QLD Fire Department website (smoke alarm section – selling and leasing)

QLD Fire Department state that 240V hardwired interconnected smoke alarms installed by a licensed electrician require a Certificate of Testing and Compliance when selling your property.

QLD Electrical Safety Regulations 2013 (section 227)

Includes detail on what must be included in the Certificate of Testing and Compliance for 240V hardwired smoke alarms.

QLD Fire Services Act 1990 (section 148I)

States that the seller of a property must provide notice in writing to the purchaser that compliant smoke alarms are installed in all prescribed locations.

Building Fire Safety (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2016

Lists all the prescribed locations for installation of smoke alarms as required by law. It also lists the prescribed ways of powering smoke alarms, and any additional smoke alarm compliance requirements.

Real Estate Institute of QLD (REIQ) contract FAQ fact sheet

REIQ state that the seller does not need to provide a compliance certificate to confirm the smoke alarms installed are compliant.

Provides guidance on who checks smoke alarms during the selling process, and what could happen if smoke alarms are not compliant.

Legal disclaimer: Information contained in this article is general in nature and should not be construed as legal advice. You should always seek the services of a legal professional when selling or purchasing a property.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

There is no point waiting until a fire occurs before figuring out what to do and where to go – especially when family members are involved. Having a well developed and rehearsed home fire escape plan will provide loved ones with crucial time to escape, and could certainly mean the difference between life and death. This practical blog post shows how to develop a home fire escape plan and demonstrates that it needn’t be a difficult task.

Develop A Floor Plan And Identify The Emergency Exit Paths

The main purpose of a home fire escape plan is to provide the occupants of a dwelling sufficient knowledge and skill to escape a burning building. This is achieved by a) documenting the required information b) communicating the information and then c) practicing the home fire escape plan.

The first step in developing a home fire escape plan is to draw a basic floor plan / map of your house, including key locations such as each person’s bedroom. Review the floor plan collectively with all occupants of the dwelling – identify both the primary and secondary path of exit so there are two means of escape for each person in the event of a fire. Some things to consider – are there obstacles to negotiate such as large furniture? Are there ‘landmarks’ along the way which could assist if smoke has reduced visibility to zero? Are there people in the home of differing ages, mental acuity or reduced physical mobility? If so it may be worth allocating a ‘buddy’ to help these people. Agree on a muster point where everyone is to gather at a safe distance having evacuated the building.

Practice The Home Fire Escape Plan

It’s one thing to talk about it, it’s another thing to actually do it. Rehearse the home fire escape plan and physically practice an escape with EVERY member of the household, twice yearly. During the rehearsal, a mobile phone timer could be used to create a sense of urgency, reduced visibility due to thick smoke can be simulated by placing a blindfold on the occupant and have them attempt to navigate the exit path in a controlled manner. Once outside the building, everyone should assemble at the fire escape plan’s designated muster point and perform an after action review to identify any opportunities for improvement. Time taken to escape the building can be logged and used as a performance benchmark for future rehearsals.

Interconnected Smoke Alarms

And The Home Fire Escape Plan

ZEN interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms provide greater early warning and response time to a fire – they should be installed within your home and form part of the overall home fire escape plan. Ensure they are installed in every bedroom, communal hallway outside the bedrooms and if in a multi-story dwelling then at least one on every floor. During the rehearsal of the home fire escape plan, test the interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms so all actually activate, and everyone becomes acquainted with their sound and meaning. Doing so may help lessen the sense of surprise or shock in a real-life fire event, and it is especially important for children who may not associate the smoke alarm sound with danger.

Fire Safety Essentials

Rehearsing your home fire escape plan is a great opportunity to impart some basic fire safety essentials. You may wish to document the following information in your home fire escape plan and ensure it is understood by all;

  • Immediately phone triple zero 000 for Australian emergency services, including the fire department.
  • Stay low to the ground to minimize inhaling toxic smoke and fumes which generally rise.
  • Prior to opening a door, test it using the back of the hand to ascertain if there is heat on the other side.
  • Close doors (but don’t lock) as you pass through them to limit air supply and possible expansion of the fire.
  • Once outside at the designated muster point perform a head count. Do not head back inside the burning building for any reason.

Smoke Alarms And The Home Fire Escape Plan – Summary

A home fire escape plan should be unique to each residence, and the occupants should be familiar with it. Review the home fire escape plan bi-annually and practice escaping from the building so that theoretical knowledge becomes reality. Ensure ZEN interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms are installed and test these during the practice-run. Basic fire safety essentials should also be added to the home fire escape plan and practiced – doing so will increase the opportunity for your loved ones to escape a burning home in a real-life emergency situation.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms

The rising costs of essentials like housing, food, and soaring utilities bills, have forced many individuals and families in QLD to make difficult financial choices, often compromising on safety measures that could prevent devastating house fires.

Cost Of Living vs Household Fire Safety

One of the primary casualties of heightened cost of living is the ability to invest in quality home maintenance and fire safety equipment. With limited budgets, individuals may opt for cheaper alternatives or delay essential repairs, inadvertently increasing the risk of fire hazards. Overloaded electrical circuits, faulty wiring, and neglected appliances become ticking time bombs in homes where financial constraints take precedence over safety concerns.

Interconnected Smoke Alarms And The Cost Of Living

Additionally, the pressure to cut corners extends to everyday items such as household interconnected smoke alarms and fire blankets. Outdated or poor quality interconnected smoke alarms may malfunction or prove ineffective in the crucial moments when swift action is required. Studies have shown a direct correlation between subpar fire safety equipment and increased property damage and casualties during house fires. Quality ZEN interconnected smoke alarms contain a 10-year lithium battery which provides a cost saving over the life of the product – unlike conventional 9V battery smoke alarms – you don’t have to buy a multitude of new batteries and swap them out every year. Our ZEN smoke alarm bundle packs also offer free shipping Australia-wide (another cost saving) and include a free smoke alarm remote control (RRP $34.95).

Interconnected Smoke Alarm Discount

By using the coupon code GDAY$10 on the shopping cart checkout page you may also receive another $10 discount off the current ZEN smoke alarm sale price. Conditions apply.

Free Fire Brigade Safety Initiatives

The QLD Fire Department ‘Safehome’ initiative is a free service provided in the interest of developing a safer Queensland community. Firefighters will visit your QLD home at no cost and advise you on correct positioning of interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms and discuss any other fire related safety concerns. NSW Fire and Rescue offer a similar free service in that they will attend your home and check that you have working smoke alarms, that they are in good working condition, and are installed in suitable areas. Contact the QLD Fire Department or NSW Fire and Rescue for further information and to make a booking.

In a recent article published in Queensland’s The Courier Mail newspaper, University of Wollongong fire expert Dr Owen Price said the rising cost of living was likely affecting fire risk within homes as many of the steps people could take to protect themselves required money.

“A lot of people realise they are at risk, but they often don’t do anything about it and when cost of living comes in it’s often lowest on people’s priorities,” he said.

Cash strapped families also tended to live in cheaper, older housing, which was more vulnerable to fire, Dr Price said.

The stress induced by financial strain can also lead to a decrease in mental well-being, which further compounds the risk of fire incidents. Anxiety and fatigue can contribute to forgetfulness, neglect, and even a diminished ability to respond promptly to emergency situations. In households grappling with cost of living pressures, the mental toll may impair the residents’ ability to maintain a vigilant stance on fire prevention.

Cost Of Living Crisis And Fire Safety – Summary

The cost-driven choices people make during periods of financial constraint may inadvertently compromise their fire safety and well-being. The repercussions of these decisions are profound. House fires, once ignited, can escalate rapidly, and inadequate fire safety measures can only exacerbate the situation. The resulting loss of property and, tragically, sometimes lives, underscores the urgency of addressing the intricate balance between cost of living pressures and overall home fire safety, including quality interconnected smoke alarms.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick-start video or call us on 0478 596 402

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Interconnected Smoke Alarms